Climate protection through science

The symposium “Science Goes Society” held in the Municipality of Sersheim in Germany provided a great chance to discuss science and climate protection with public authorities. Several 3D simulations were used on a giant LED wall by our partner, High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), to show how local villages, cities, forests, and fields could soon look like in the face of climate change and what kind of precautions can be taken in terms of sustainable development and disaster prevention. At hands-on and exhibition stands, the HLRS team and local stakeholders provided many concrete examples of how municipalities are already preparing for the challenges of climate change with droughts and heat waves on the one hand and heavy precipitation with floods and floods on the other.

Dennis Hoppe from our partner HLRS had the chance to present the solutions proposed in our project HiDALGO2, namely the use of simulations to help us cope with weather and traffic conditions while giving a strong focus on the spreading of wildfires, for which he showed some impressive videos created by our partner MTG about our wildfire simulations. All videos can be found on the HiDALGO2 YouTube Channel.

In this photo, we can see Dr. Uwe Wössner, HLRS visualisation expert who participates with his team in HiDALGO2