
Marcin Lawenda
Project Coordinator and WP1 (Project Management) Leader
Dr Marcin Lawenda (M) graduated from the Poznań University of Technology and received his M.Sc. in Computer Science (Parallel and Distributed Computation) in 2000. In 2006 he received Ph.D. degree at the same university. He has been working for Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center for more than 25 years. His research interests include parallel and distributed environments, scheduling and HPC technologies especially in the area of applied sciences. He is also author and co-author of reports and papers (100+) in conference proceedings and journals. He has been a member of the Polish Information Processing Society since 2000.
Email: marcin.lawenda@man.poznan.pl
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Agnieszka Stokłosa
Project Administration Manager
Agnieszka Stoklosa has over 20 years experience in managing EU funding programmes..
She was an administrative and financial coordinator of 5 projects under the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes, now she’s focused on managing the Projects Administration Department (currently 10 experts) at Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, which completed over 300 projects so far. During her professional career she cooperated with
partners from many countries not only from Europe but also from Asia and America.
Her experience is extended to managing structural funds, HORIZON EUROPE, DIGITAL EUROPE PROGRAMME, EEA grants, many EC initiatives like Culture, CEF, EUREKA, EUROFUSION, AAL and also national initiatives.
She is an attendee of many workshops concerning coordination of new funds, initiatives and grants, also those organized directly by the European Commission. Her field of interests is also a broadly defined project management.
Email: agaceg@man.poznan.pl

Dennis Hoppe
Technical Manager and WP2 (Centre Operation, Dashboard and Service Offering) Leader
Dennis Hoppe leads the HLRS’s strategic development in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and quantum computing. The objective hereby is to identify synergies between those novel technologies and high-performance computing (HPC). As a researcher, Hoppe has contributed to multiple research projects exploring cloud computing technologies, HPC and data analytics applications to address global challenges, and the development of workflows that integrate AI and HPC. The ultimate goal is to work towards hybrid HPC/AI workflows with a specific focus on the engineering domain.
In HiDALGO2, Dennis acts as a technical manager to guide the technical development of the project.
Email: hoppe@hlrs.de

Jesús Gorroñogoitia
WP4 (Data Exploration and Visualisation) Leader
Jesús Gorroñogoitia, BS in Theoretical Physics by the Universidad Complutense (Madrid), MSc in Condensed Matter and Statistics Physics by UNED. He has been working in diverse ICT companies as Software Architect for 25 years. In Atos Research & Innovation (ARI) he is Chief Architect and Senior Researcher on the AI, Data & HLS Unit, member of the Advanced Parallel Computing Group. He designs and develops cross-platform meta-orchestrators for HPC infrastructures in EC R&D&i projects, including EUXDAT, Hidalgo, PerMedCoE or Hidalgo2. In IoT-NGIN project he is Technical Team Leader, leading the development of MLOps services for online learning and model sharing.
Email: jesus.gorronogoitia@atos.net

Luis Torres
Scientific Manager and Wildfires pilot Leader
Luis Torres Michelena Degree in Physical Sciences, Master of Theoretical and Applied Meteorology.
Among the European projects, he has worked on “Climate Risk Information for Supporting ADAptation Planning and Operation (CRISI-ADAPT)” and CLARITY “Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Services and Tools to Improve Resilience Measures”, among others.
He is currently collaborating in Hidalgo2 and Fireurisk. He has participated as an author in the writing of around ten scientific articles published in impact journals, and has made more than 15 presentations at scientific conferences, many of them international.
Email: luis@meteogrid.com

Christophe Prud’homme
Urban Building Model pilot Leader
Christophe Prud’homme is a Professor in Applied Mathematics at the University of Strasbourg in France. He is passionate about mathematics and their endless applications in industry, sciences in particular health and environmental sciences.
He got his Ph.D. at University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris in 2000. Then he spent 3 years at MIT in Mech. Eng. Dept. working on reduced basis output bounds methods. Between 2003 and 2006, he was at EPFL, Switzerland. Since 2006, he is a full Professor, first in Grenoble until 2012 and since Sept. 2012 in Strasbourg.
In 2013, he created and now lead Cemosis, the Center for Modeling and Simulation in Strasbourg, which is the technological platform in Mathematics of the University to develop collaboration with Enterprises and Other Disciplines.
Email: christophe.prudhomme@cemosis.fr
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Michał Kulczewski
Renewable Energy Sources pilot Leader
Michal Kulczewski works in the Applications Department at Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center since 2005. He received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, Computer Network and Distributed Systems, from the Poznan University of Technology, Poland in 2005. His research interests include mainly numerical weather predictions, modelling renewable energy sources and air quality in urban environments, uncertainty quantification, code optimization, programming multi- and many-core computing systems, advanced in-situ data analysis and visualization. He has actively contributed to many EU and national projects such as InteliGrid, ACGT, BREIN, OGF-Europe, POWIEW, PL-Grid+, ESCAPE, RECIPE, VECMA, TEXTAROSSA, HIDALGO2.
Email: kulka@man.poznan.pl

Anna Palaiologk
Exploitation, Innovation, and Dissemination Manager
Anna Palaiologk is a business and policy expert with experience in Impact and Cost-Benefit Assessment methodologies, as well as business model innovation and community building. Anna is active in the European research scene since 2008. She has a deep understanding of the European digital market and a broad knowledge of the ICT value chain. She has managed and coordinated over 20 FP7 and H2020 projects in the areas of Education, Employment, Security, SME Innovation, Health, Agriculture, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing. Particularly relevant to this proposal is her experience as Coordinator. Anna is the founder and CEO of Future Needs.
Email: anna@futureneeds.eu

Kostis Nikas
WP3 (Exascale Support for Global Challenges) Leader
Dr. Konstantinos Nikas received his Diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from NTUA, Greece and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Manchester, UK. He is a senior researcher at ICCS, associated with the Computing Systems Laboratory (CSLab) of NTUA. His research interests include computer architecture, designing and deploying large scale systems (HPC & Cloud architectures), parallel programming models and performance analysis and optimization of applications. He has participated in several national and EU funded research projects.
Dr. Konstantinos Nikas leads WP3 and the related tasks on the benchmarking and scaling of the HiDALGO2 pilots
Email: knikas@cslab.ece.ntua.gr
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Rahil Doshi
Quality Manager
Rahil Doshi is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science, Chair of Computer Science 10 (System Simulation) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). He holds dual master’s degrees: an M.Sc. in Computational Engineering from FAU Erlangen, Germany, and an M.Sc. in Computational Science from Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) Lugano, Switzerland. His research focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), multiphysics simulations, and scientific code development.
Email: rahil.doshi@fau.de