The Centre de Modélisation et de Simulation de Strabourg, Cemosis, is the University of Strasbourg’s mathematics platform for collaborations with companies and research laboratories. It is attached to the IRMA UMR 7501 laboratory, where it has been housed since its creation in 2013. Cemosis is financed by collaborative research contracts and services to industry. It is organized into 3 divisions:
- projects: for research and development projects
- training centre
- technology and computing platform
Certified as a platform by the University of Strasbourg, Cemosis is part of the > CORTECS network of University platforms.
In addition to developing collaborations in applied mathematics, Cemosis also aims to ensure the transfer of technologies and methodologies developed in-house or in the IRMA laboratory.
News from Cemosis
Cemosis is a platform strongly committed to research in applied mathematics, and involved in several innovative projects:
Eye2brain is carried out in collaboration with the universities of Paris and Maine (USA), the aim of this project is to develop simulation models of the human eye for medical purposes.

Hifimagnet a project to develop models and simulations for high-field magnets, including resistive and superconducting magnets, with applications in various fields of physics and biology. This project is in collaboration with the LNCMI, a large research infrastructure from CNRS;

Ktirio is a cloud services platform for dynamic energy simulation developed at Cemosis. Its services range from automatic model generation to decision support for thermal, comfort and air quality in buildings. This project is being carried out in collaboration with Synapse Concept and Cisco Meraki, and is supported by the CNRS prematuration program.

CoE Hidalgo2(Urban Building Model)
This project aims to develop advanced building models for better integration into urban architecture. These models will contribute to a Hidalgo2 urban air pollution model by producing source terms for heat and air pollutants (CO₂ and NOx).
Micro-Swimmer is a project that proposes to develop numerical methods for controlling a micro-swimmer in the arteries of the human body. These robots could deliver targeted doses of drugs acting on cancer cells before they form new tumors, thus avoiding metastasis and the side effects of traditional treatments. This project is a collaboration with Inria Sofia Antipolis, Sorbonne University and is funded by the ANR project Nemo and Irmia++.

The full video is available > here on Youtube
All these projects are based on and contribute to the development of the Feel++ library, available as open source on GitHub as well as via Docker and Singularity containers and Debian and Ubuntu packages.
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