The ins and outs of the ISC High-Performance Conference 2023 in Hamburg
Interacting with people inside the supercomputing spectrum, catching on to the latest developments of the high-performance ecosystem, and joining forces with your colleagues are the best takeaways from a Conference like the one we participated in Hamburg. Our project’s presence at the ISC High-Performance Conference from 21 to 25 May 2023 was a great challenge and an opportunity to spread the word about HiDALGO2’s work and progress.
Our participation & booth

From early on, our partners from Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), HLRS, Széchenyi István University (SZE), MeteoGrid, and Cemosis (Center for modeling and simulation in Strasbourg) landed in Hamburg and at the spectacular building of Congress Centre Hamburg (CCH) and joined forces at our project’s booth B201 within all EuroHPC Joint Undertaking’s related projects and Centres of Excellence. Our poster featuring the use cases of From early on, our partners from Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), Széchenyi István University (SZE), MeteoGrid, and Cemosis (Center for modeling and simulation in Strasbourg)landed in Hamburg and at the spectacular building of Congress Centre Hamburg (CCH) and joined forces at our project’s booth B201 within all EuroHPC Joint Undertaking’s related projects and Centres of Excellence. Our poster featuring the use cases of HiDALGO2 was shared with our good neighbour from the ChEESE Center of Excellence in Solid Earth!
Our presentations

People from our partners’ teams had the chance to present in detail on Tuesday 23 May at 15:30-16:45 the use cases of the project that aim to address some of the greatest challenges affecting society and the environment. Initially, the project coordinator Marcin Lawenda made an introduction to the project, its aims, and its working timeline. The torch was passed to Zoltán Horváth from Széchenyi István University (SZE) who analysed the Urban Building Model case, Christophe Prudhomme from Cemosis who presented the Urban Air Project case, Michal Kulczewski from Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center who talked about the Renewable Energy Sources case and last but not least Luis Torres from MeteoGRID who analysed the Wildfires case, a very timely issue.
Networking & Collaborations

Networking and exchange of ideas bloomed during the ISC 2023 conference, as an increased interest was noticed from other organisations that sought further cooperation and joined activities. During the Conference, we had a fruitful meetings and discussions.
Learn more about the ISC
ISC High Performance is an international conference and exhibition that fosters the growth of a global HPC community of technology providers and users. This growing community now includes machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing practitioners. The first ISC conference was held in 1986. The Conference offers the space for active collaborative exchange on high-performance computing, machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing. This year’s Conference had more or less almost 3,000 international attendees.
We are looking forward to the next year’s ISC 2024, and we are saving the date (12-16 May 2024) with the motto “Reinventing HPC”.