4 & 5 December 2023

Just a bit before the winter holidays, the partners of HiDALGO2 joined for their six-month plenary meeting on the project’s sum up and progress. This virtual gathering unfolded in two days, the 4th and 5th of December 2023, and was not just a meeting but a symphony of discussions, bringing together minds from diverse backgrounds.
The first day the meeting commenced with an engaging opening from Marcin Lawenda, the project coordinator from Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) who set the tone for the day. The overview of the meeting was followed by a summary of the technical status in the context of the Grant Agreement as well as the collaboration with CASTIEL2 collaboration by the technical manager of the project, Dennis Hoppe. The next steps included a technical roadmap (including simulation scalability and functional advancements) and a detailed plan for the next months. Management issues related to the technical interoperability in the project, the general architecture (all modules, applications, frameworks, infrastructure) as well as the scientific and ethical side, were also discussed in the first part of the meeting. Later on, there was a more specified discussion on the status of the different use cases of the project and the tasks that have been performed within the last 6 months. In this part, special attention was given to whether the requirements of EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (deployment on machines and integration with CI/CD) have been met. Here, also plans were defined for the next 6 months with special emphasis on scalability KPIs for individual simulations. Additionally, the status of our work related to Exascale HPC and HPDA/AI Support was presented as well as the benchmarking, profiling, scalability, optimization, co-design, and innovative HPC technologies used in the project. Last came an overview of information on the types, structures, sizes, and methods of delivery to the application – the point of view of simulation applications and the presentation of a common data management system for HiDALGO2.
The second day opened with a fruitful discussion on the project’s Advisory Board (AB) recommendations and the transition of their proposals into specific implementation points, placing them on the roadmap. Next came the presentation on the “Centre Operation, Dashboard, and Service Offering” namely the “Infrastructure Provisioning & Services”, “MathSO” portal, “QCG” portal, and the “Component Integration and Customer Support Services” task. Then, we learned what is the current development of data analytics and AI in the project and the plans for the upcoming months. As visualisation is crucial in this project, we discussed this process in the individual use cases, the present incorporation matrix, the visualizer tool demo, the unreal engine tool demo, and the COVISE (user interface AND data integration). Collaborations and joined actions are also an integral part of HiDALGO2, so we also shared the outcomes of the latest Uncertainty Quantification workshop with Seavea and CIRCE.
Last but not least, the plan for the upcoming deliverables and the training activities was set while partners went through the communication and dissemination activities which are crucial for the dispersion of the project’s tools, knowledge, progress, and general outcomes to the stakeholders and the HPC community. In the realm of online plenary meetings, this particular gathering stood out as a testament to the potential of virtual spaces to foster vibrant discussions. We thank our project coordinator Marcin Lawenda who organised the meeting, set up the agenda, and hosted the discussions with a critical perception as well as all partners who actively engaged with important presentations, ideas, and proposals.