Our project HiDALGO2 organises a workshop during this autumn Conference at Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 08 – 11, 2024. The deadlines for papers submission for the AGCA workshop have been extended. The submission of papers is May 22, 2024 and the notification of acceptance is July 3, 2024. The workshop is entitled “Workshop on advancements of global challenges applications” (AGCA event) and will be presented during the 15th PPAM 2024 Conference (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS).
The invited speakers to our workshop are Rafał Duczmal, Chair of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) Governing Board, and Prof. Michael M. Resch, Director of our partner, the High-Performance Computing Center in Stuttgart.

The rules of the PPAM conference apply to these papers. Papers will be refereed and accepted based on their scientific merit, relevance to the workshop topics, originality, correctness, and presentation quality. Papers cannot be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and they should not exceed 14 pages (LNCS style). Please submit the full papers via the PPAM Conference submission system (EasyChair, look for AGCA track), formatted according to the PPAM specification: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ppam2024
Submissions should be prepared for double-blind review, i.e., without author names or other identifying material. Authors should refer to themselves in the third person when citing their work.
The authors of the best articles selected by the program committee and the guest editors will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to a special issue of journals with Impact Factor such as Future Generation Computer Systems, Int. Journal of High-Performance Computing Applications, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Read more at our website: https://www.hidalgo2.eu/workshop-on-advancements-of-global-challenges-applications-agca/
AGCA event is a collaborative venture of the HiDALGO2 Project, HANAMI, Plasma-PEPSC , EoCoE Centre of Excellence: HPC for energy, BioExcel CoE, ESiWACE3, EXCELLERAT, and CASTIEL project

For more information, you can contact:
Marcin Lawenda
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Jana Pawła II 10 , 61-139 Poznań, POLAND
email: lawenda@man.poznan.pl
You can click here for your paper submission